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Leon Wainwright

Open Arts Object: Sonia Khurana’s Zoetrope, Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, New Delhi

Dr Leon Wainwright tackles the issue of meaning and experience around a contemporary artwork by the New Delhi-based artist Sonia Khurana.

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Timed Out: Art and the Transnational Caribbean

'Timed out' is a pioneering study of modern and contemporary art in the aftermath of empire. It addresses the current ‘global turn’ in the study of art by way of the transnational Caribbean, offering an in-depth account of the Atlantic world in relation to the mainstream history of art. It looks at why art of the Anglophone Caribbean and its diaspora have been placed not only ‘outside’ but ‘behind’ the dominant art canons, and how the politics of space and time can be used to rethink the global geography of art.

Leon Wainwright, Art and ‘exchange’ between Suriname

This paper is drawn from research in Paramaribo (Suriname) and Rotterdam, in the context of the Dutch and Surinamese official sponsorship which shaped two art exhibitions in 2010.

Panel Discussion, Networks of Contemporary Art

Panel discussion: Networks of Contemporary Art Chair: Kitty Zijlmans This panel explores how networks of art practice, curating, art policies and museums may help to form a sustainable community for the Caribbean and its global diaspora. The overall aim of the project is to foster networks of exchange and collaboration among academics, artists, curators and policymakers from the UK and the Netherlands as well as various countries in the English and Dutch-speaking Caribbean and their diasporas. How might existing networks and future ones interact?

Day one roundtable: Global movement and art practice

This is the roundtable discussion titled 'Global movement and art practice', which took place on day one of the conference, it followed panels on 'Creativity and Community', 'Networks on Contemporary Art', 'Art Practice and Exchange'. It was chaired by Tessa Jackson.

Second Conference

This is the second conference for the ‘Sustainable Art Communities: Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean’ project, which is taking place at the Institute for International Visual Arts (Iniva, London) on 3rd and 4th December, 2013. ‘Sustainable Art Communities’ is a two-year international research project led by Dr Leon Wainwright (The Open University, UK), with Co-Investigator Professor Dr Kitty Zijlmans (Leiden University), funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC, UK).

Panel discussion, chairs: Leon Wainwright, Tirzo Martha, Kitty Zijlmans, Alex van Stipriaan  ​On 5-6 February 2013, the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam (KIT, Royal Tropical Institute) hosted the project conference ‘Sustainable Art Communities: Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean’.

Workshop Two: Networks and Infrastructure, chaired by Kitty Zijlmans and Leon Wainwright  On 5-6 February 2013, the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam (KIT, Royal Tropical Institute) hosted the project conference ‘Sustainable Art Communities: Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean’.

Leon Wainwright and Kitty Zijlmans, Workshop One: What is the basis for a Caribbean community and what role may art play?  On 5-6 February 2013, the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam (KIT, Royal Tropical Institute) hosted the project conference ‘Sustainable Art Communities: Creativity and Policy in the Transnational Caribbean’.

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