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The First Actresses: Gender, Representation and Performance

Joseph Roach: The Second Life of the First Actresses

Joseph Roach: The Second Life of the First Actresses

Professor Joseph Roach, Sterling Professor of Theatre, Yale University The following images were used by Professor Roach, they have been blurred out in the film because of copyright reasons 1. Screen shot: "Hot Girl Avatars" from Second Life; 2. NPG Cat. Fig. 39 Eleanor ("Nell") Gwyn" Valck engr. after Lely (with randy-looking sheep); 3. NPG Cat. Fig. 40 Madame Ellen Groinn Unknown engraver after Henry Gascar (Manet v. Titian--who's gonna win?); 4. NPG Cat. Fig. 23 Eleanor "Nell" Gwyn by Simon Verelst ("nipple slip" portrait); 5. NPG Cat. Fig. 37 Eleanor "Nell" Gwyn by Simon Verelst (slippage continues); 6. NPG Cat. Fig, 43 Mary "Moll" Davis by Lely (with guitar); 7. Augustus Egg, "The Life of the Duke of Buckingham" Yale Center for British Art; 8. Augustus Egg, "The Death of the Duke of Buckingham" Yale Center for British Art; 9. Egg, "Life of the Duke of Buckingham" detail showing Nell Gywn and Lady Castlemaine, partying hard; 10. Lady Castlemaine as Sheperdess by Lely (portrait detail) Althorp; 11. Louise de Keroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth by Pierre Mignard (NPG); 12 Repeat 7, "The Life of Buckingham"; 13. William Powell Frith, "The Last Days of Charles II," Windsor Court Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana; 14. Title page and frontispiece, "In Good King Charles's Golden Days," by George Bernard Shaw; 15. Movie poster, "Forever Amber" (1947); 16. Repeat 13, Frith; 17 Repeat 4, Verelst;