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Imported Images

The fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries were a time of greeat prosperity for the Low Countries, and the religious art produced there at this time was of correspondingly high quality. This volume, the result of many years of research, covers late medieval sculpture from this region now to be found in English Churches or collections. The pieces have arrived in England as a result of two distinct processes. Some were exported to England at the time of production (although the religious upheavals of the 16th and 17th centuries leaves this group disappointingly small). Far more were brought to England in the 19th century, during the Gothic Revival, with Pugin a key figure. Chapters in the book discuss the production of art in late medieval Low Countries and the contexts of the artefacts coming to England. The main part of the book is a meticulously detailed and photographed catalogue of 109 pieces on display in England all of them previously unpublished. 586p 242 b/w photos (Shaun Tyas 2007)

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