Open Arts Archive

  • a live and open archive providing free access to a wealth of artistic, cultural and educational resources, including talks, seminars, study days, artists’ podcasts, artist interviews, curators’ talks and exhibitions.
  • home to Open Arts Objects, a project which offers free films and teaching materials that support the teaching of Art History in schools, particularly at A-level.
  • is hosted by the Art History Department at The Open University, and builds on our commitment to open access to the arts.
  • has been produced in collaboration with over 20 arts institutions across the UK and Europe.
  • provides an invaluable resource for students, teachers, researchers, artists and the general public.
  • was founded by The Open University and Museums and Archives Council in 2010. It continues to be funded by The Open University.

Open Arts Archive

Caption: Joseph Wright, Vesuvius in Eruption, with a View over the Islands to the Bay of Naples, c.1776-80, oil on canvas, 122 x 176 cm. Tate (CC BY-NC-ND).


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Sir Joshua Reynolds by Sir Joshua Reynolds, © NICK FIELDING / Alamy


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Open Arts Objects © The Open University 2012

Open Arts Objects

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Open Resources

Open Arts Object: Critical Term - Mobility

Leah Clark and Kathleen Christian discussing the term mobility, and how it has changed the way we approach Renaissance works of art. Includes Holbein’s Ambassadors; Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel and its circulation in print; a devotional diptych with a portrait of Joos van der Burch.

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