Nicholas Morris, Randnotizen: Notes from the edge The practice of ‘art’ – taken here to mean communication through the expressive manipulation of objects – is the flash-lit tracing of a fragmentary map: like an arrow shot or a line drawn from point to point on a surface, an artwork flares to briefly illuminate the location of the artist and his or her imagination for the waiting receiver. In a short talk illustrated with images, Nicholas Morris will offer some self-examination in order to describe some of the flares of the Caribbean artist ‘at home’ and in the diaspora. They are flares above inherited and invented maps that do not necessarily share an identical vocabulary of cardinal direction and that often must also serve to chart primacy, weight and acceleration at the moment. A series of moves as a practising artist and educator between areas of the Caribbean, the diaspora and other cultural and linguistic spaces, has shown the unevenness of support structures in transitional regions and at the edge (for example, in ‘frontier’ areas such as central Germany) while highlighting the opportunity for new strategies of ‘multidirectional memory’ and collaborative, creative re-drawing. Morris speaks of, and out of, his own experience as a Caribbean artist and educator culminating in living and practising in one of the most demographically diverse regions of Germany. Some images, sounds or other media used in the following presentation are subject to copyright restrictions that prevent them being shown. In order to provide a complete record of the conference, these items have been blurred or silenced. Should we obtain permission to use these images, sounds and other media in the future the films will be updated.