Roshini Kempadoo, State of Play: Technologies, Diaspora and Caribbean visual culture Kempadoo’s contribution will explore ways in which Caribbean diasporic artists (as first/second generation British Caribbean/Canadian artists) engage and respond to the work by emergent Caribbean artists practising in the Caribbean. The presentation includes Kempado’s own work and that of others including Sheena Rose, Nicole Awai, the Blk Art Group (1979-1984), Chris Cozier and Stacey Tyrell, to explore differences, aesthetics, ethics and current debates in creating work that emerges from Caribbean experience. The presentation will also address the context from which artists engage in such work as Caribbean visual culture to include the popularity of imagery from the Caribbean. In this way Kempadoo explores visualization practices that are local, global and diasporic, which conform to and challenge the image of the contemporary Caribbean. Some images, sounds or other media used in the following presentation are subject to copyright restrictions that prevent them being shown. In order to provide a complete record of the conference, these items have been blurred or silenced. Should we obtain permission to use these images, sounds and other media in the future the films will be updated.