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Disturbing Pasts: Memories, Controversies and Creativity Conference

Ambiguities of Remembering in Diaspora

Maria Six-Hohenbalken, Ambiguities of Remembering in Diaspora

Since the end of the 19th century, the Kurds have faced many hostile developments, ranging from the rejection of their ethnic and national identity, to violations of human rights, persecution, deportation, and acts of genocide. In ‘official’ narratives and Diaspora memory culture, personal experiences of suffering are shaped, transformed and in some cases, ignored. Within the narrations there are several discrepancies between diasporic and individual narratives, not only due to the respective national movements in Kurdish society. It seems that the victims’ status in Diaspora determines whose individual narratives are told and whose remain better untold. Some images, sounds or other media used in the following presentation are subject to copyright restrictions that prevent them being shown. In order to provide a complete record of the conference, these items have been blurred or silenced. Should we obtain permission to use these images, sounds and other media in the future the films will be updated.