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Carol Richardson

Dr Carol Richardson, Senior Lecturer in Art History at the Open University at the time and one of the convenors of the conference gives a brief welcome to the conference.  The conference was sponsored by Laurence King Publishing and Wiley-Blackwell.

Artistic Intrigue Interview with Carol Richardson

If you are unable to see this recording on your device, please follow this link to listen to 'Artistic Intrigue'

Carol Richardson Interviewed by Vatican Radio

2009 was the 300th anniversary of the death of Andrea Pozzo, the great Jesuit artist and architect. In November there was an international conference in Rome to celebrate the anniversary. Carol Richardson was interviewed by Vatican Radio about her contribution to the conference on Pozzo’s work for the Venerable English College in Rome.

Viewing Renaissance Art

This book forms the third of a series of three volumes produced by The Open University and together entitled 'Renaissance Art Reconsidered'. The other two volumes are "Making Renaissance Art" and "Locating Renaissance Art". While the first two volumes focus on different issues surrounding the production of works of art, this book explores patterns of viewing and consuming art in the period leading up to the Reformation.

Organised in collaboration with the Open University, this study day explored the role and practice of collaboration in the making of art and design during the Renaissance. The day examined collaborations between centres of production and between individuals, as well as the overlaps and exchange between different media, disciplines and countries. It included talks relating closely to the new Medieval and Renaissance Galleries by curators and conservators from the project team, and art historians from the Open University.