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Exploring Renaissance Art at the Walker Art Gallery

Descent from the Cross - 1866The course team for the Open University Art History Course Renaissance Art Reconsidered, AA315, began an annual collaboration with the Walker Art Gallery in 2009. An Open University art history lecturer gives a Friday lunchtime lecture based on one of the works in the Walker Art gallery. This talk is repeated as one of two lectures at the student study day the following day; the second lecture is by an invited speaker, usually a conservator. In addition, curator Xanthe Brooke gives students a guided tour of the Renaissance section of the gallery. For logistical reasons, in 2010 only the Open University lecture was filmed. It is entitled 'The Mystery of Robert Campin' and considers the Walker Art Gallery copy of a lost painting of the Descent from the Cross attributed to Robert Campin, the master of the illustrious 15th century painter Rogier van der Weyden.