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Study Day

Study Day

Study Day Event

Part 7: speakers Atau Tanaka and Ben Ponton.
Part 6: speakers Jeremy Millar and Roger Malbert.
Part 5: speakers Linda Hirst and Sam Belinfante.
Part 4: speakers Laura Kuhn's talk.

Part 3: speakers Helen Baker interviews artist Cornelia  Parker.

Part 1: Introduction by Alessandro Vincentelli curator at the Baltic.

This study day, in collaboration with the Open University, explores art, music and chance, looking at the vital legacy of John Cage’s experimentation in music, composition and art. Speakers include: Cornelia Parker, artist, Laura Kuhn, John Cage Trust, Atau Tanaka, artist / director of Newcastle University Culture Lab, Jeremy Millar, artist and curator, Helen Baker, Gallery Director at Gallery North and Principal Lecturer in Fine Art, Roger Malbert, Senior Curator Hayward Touring Exhibitions and Alessandro Vincentelli, BALTIC Curator.

There are eight parts to this study day.

This study day explored issues raised by the Surreal House exhibition and considered the role and meanings of the theme of the house in modern and contemporary art, film, architecture and culture. Contributors included Jane Alison, Senior Curator, Barbican Art Gallery; Gill Perry, Professor of Art History, OU; Barry Curtis, Professor of Art History, Royal College of Art; Brian Dillon, UK Editor of Cabinet; Dagmar Weston, Dr of Architectural Theory, Edinburgh University; Krysztof Fijalkowski, Dr of Art History, Norwich School of Art and James Lingwood, Co Director, Artangel.

A discussion with all the speakers chaired by Gill Perry.

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