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The project is designed to initiate new relationships and exchanges among the academic, policy, curating and artistic communities. Supported by the European Science Foundation (Humanities in the European Research Area, HERA). Traumatic pasts have complex and often dramatic influences on the present. The conference will explore creative engagements with controversial pasts in art practice, curating and museums, establishing a dialogue among diverse participants. Read more about our theme and aims on the project website

Part 7: speakers Atau Tanaka and Ben Ponton.
Part 4: speakers Laura Kuhn's talk.

Part 1: Introduction by Alessandro Vincentelli curator at the Baltic.

Sophie Howarth, Sarah Wilson, Niru Ratnam, Andrew Brighton, Discussion 1

Sarah Wilson, Matisse, Picasso and Exhibition Making  In the light of two very different exhibitions - the Royal Academy's Paris: Capital of the Arts 1900-1968 (26 January -19 April 2002) and Tate Modern's Matisse Picasso (11 May - 18 August 2002), Sarah Wilson, curator of the former, discusses the relationship between exhibition history and the fictional recreation of artists' personae and influence.Further ReadingConstantin Brancusi: The Essence of Things, Tate 2004, especially Alexandra Parigoris, 'The Road to Damascus'Alex Potts, The Sculptural Imagination: Figurative,

Sophie Howarth, Phyllida Barlow, Paul Wood, Mark Godfrey, Jonathan Jones, Jason Gaiger and Jane Burton, Discussion 2  From Russian Suprematism through Abstract Expressionism, Minimalism and beyond, abstraction has been variously interpreted as nihilistic, political, sublime, decorative and ironic. While much writing about abstract art has been opaque, the talks here aim to clearly open up a variety of theoretical models for discussion.

Jane Burton, Experience and Interpretation  Speaker: Jane Burton, Curator of Interpretation, Tate Modern.Taking the Barnett Newman exhibition as its focus, Jane Burton seeks to unravel some of the possible interpretative approaches to Newman's art adopted by museums, both in his lifetime and today.

Steve Edwards, Mohini Chandra, Marcus Verhagen and Dominic Willsdon, Discussion 2  This video recording from the Contemporary Art and Globalisation Study Day features a panel discussion between speakers.

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