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Martha Rosler: Big Ideas

On the publication of his book Martha Rosler, The Bowery in two inadequate descriptive systems Professor Steve Edwards interviews artist Martha Rosler. This talk was held at the Whitechapel Gallery, London, Friday 11 July, 2014.

Bente Geving, Margit Ellinor: Forgotten Images

Carol Tulloch, Insert Here: Curating Difference

Sigrid Lien, Addressing the Landscape: Postcolonial Experiences in Contemporary Sami Art

Rafal Betlejewski, "I Miss You, Jew!" Re-writing Polish Identity: Including Jedwabne into the Collective Narrative

The project is designed to initiate new relationships and exchanges among the academic, policy, curating and artistic communities. Supported by the European Science Foundation (Humanities in the European Research Area, HERA). Traumatic pasts have complex and often dramatic influences on the present. The conference will explore creative engagements with controversial pasts in art practice, curating and museums, establishing a dialogue among diverse participants. Read more about our theme and aims on the project website

Heather Ackroyd and Dan Harvey, Stranded

Part of the series 'Art & Alchemy: Transformation & Contemporary Art'. A two day conference across Cambridge and Norwich exploring ideas of alchemy and transformation, and the role of crystals in contemporary artistic practice and theory from Graeco-Roman Egypt to Surrealism and contemporary art.

This world class exhibition, curated by former Turner Prize judge Greville Worthington, will explore this foremost contemporary artist through his renowned print works. The striking show of more than 50 works, many unseen by the public, has been loaned by several northern collectors and is one not to miss. With the support of these private collectors, the Museum has drawn together Hirst's best quality prints to form the first exhibition to re-establish a contemporary programme at The Bowes Museum.

 Towards a Gestalt Image - Loch Ness & FactA discussion between MK Gallery exhibitor, artist Gerard Byrne, with Dublin-based writer, lecturer and researcher, Dr Maeve Connolly about the exhibition Case Study: Loch Ness.

Steve Edwards, Martin Gaughan and Gail Day, Plenary 1  This discussion forms part of the study day that explores concepts of avant-gardism, and the ways in which these have been deployed to historicise and interpret twentieth century art.

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