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Research Clips

Welcome, Prof. Gill Perry and Opening Keynote, Prof. T.J Clark 'Matisse, Modernity and Darkness'

Session 1 A Radical Textbook for Art History? Chaired by Prof. Steve Edwards with contributions from Prof. Gail Day, Dr. Joanne Crawford and Barry Venning

Session 2 Modernism and Its Publics, Prof. Gavin Butt 'It's Not Made by Great Men: Post-Punk and Art History' and Wendy Frith 'Summer School Pedagogy'

Session 3 Art History on the 'University of the Air',  'in conversation' between BBC producer, Nick Levinson and Prof. Anne Wagner with a contribution from Dr Warren Carter

Session 4 A Global Art History?, 'in conversation' between Paul Wood and Dr Warren Carter

Closing Keynote, Prof. Briony Fer 'Re-descriptions: from Lyubov Popova to Anni Albers'

Session 5 from 40 Years On: the Domain of Design History - Looking Back Looking Forward

Sessions 3 and 4 from 40 Years On: the Domain of Design History - Looking Back Looking Forward

Session 2 from 40 Years On: the Domain of Design History - Looking Back Looking Forward
